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Vitaminds also coaches and facilitates teambuildings.

We could have chosen to talk about our ethics, the format of our coaching interventions or tell you that our practice is supervised and that we are strong of a long work of personal development allowing us to bring a distanced glance on our practice . But that, we prefer to speak "live"!
Just know that:
  • The coaching posture is at the heart of our practices
  • We rely on Nonviolent Communication, Appreciative Inquiry, Transactional Analysis, the Human Element, co-development or systemics ... and for those who wish, on horses!
  • We intervene in individual coaching or team coaching, accompanied by a solid network of coaches, certified too
  • We will be happy to talk with you :)
With horses or perfume: live a beneficial and memorable experience!
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Make your team  a dark horse and surprise everyone with dazzling performances!
The horse opens people to their dimension of leader by allowing them to develop qualities of emotional, relational and situational intelligence, in their physiological and psychological dimensions.
Learn more...
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Have a flair for a surprising experience: 
the perfume of your team
Smell is a powerful sense that can affect thinking, commitment and productivity. It favors direct access to emotions and also promotes a more intuitive and global vision.
Learn more...
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