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VitaStrat: oxygenate your learning vision


Difficulties in transforming your L&D organization?
VitaStrat supports you in the vitalization of your international strategy

  • How to translate a business strategy into an L&D strategy?

  • How to position learning in your organization?

  • What roles and skills for your L&D teams?

  • What governance?


For your Learning ecosystem and its transformation, we support you in:

  • Creating your learning vision

  • Translating your business and HR strategies into a Learning strategy

  • Architecturing your L&D organization and defining the appropriate structures

  • Designing your business models

  • Identifying the roles and skills for your teams and supplying the associated development curriculum & solutions

  • Implementing your training cycles around key HR & Business events

  • Strengthening your Training policy with remote teams

  • Defining your indicators and developing the reporting processes & tools

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